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When Humans Live 200 Years


Humans always searched for immortality since ancient times. Our life expectancy in the World doubled in 20th century being 31 years at the beginnig of century. In 2015 the World average life expactancy was 71.5 years. In developed countries it is already above 80 years and some countries are expected to hit 90 years in the next decade. This is mostly due to development in healthcare, finding treatment to diseases, reducing infant birth rates etc.
As the maximum life span is stagnated for last 20 years scientists are working hard to find ways to reverse aging or at least stop aging. There are already promising researches in this area. According to some futurists we can stop aging in as soon as 30 years.

    So how would be our life when we see people who are 200 years old around us. They will look like they are in their thirties but very old. It is a fact that when choosing friends age is a very important factor. We guess people's age from their appearence. In fact in the future it will be very difficult to guess one's age by just looking at appearence. So someone in his/her thirties can be friends with another person who is in his/her 200s.
However there is one big difference between 30 and 200 years. Experience. Old people will have more life experience. They will see and judge things differently. Something very funny for a young may not be so funny for them.

Imagine two people. Jack is 35 years old working as a dentist in a hospital. He likes to go out, to pubs, having fun with friends. Adam is 165 years old but looks like he is in his thirties. He has his own business. They met in a business conference and continue their friendship.
One day they are sitting in a pub drinking bear. One girl sitting close to them is looking at Adam and smiling.

Jack: (Seeing that Adam is looking at the girl) Big boobs huh?
Adam: I think they are normal size. In fact I saw so many women with this size. So she is not an exception.
Jack: She is looking at you. I think you should show your sign!
Adam: I can just go and tell her what I want.
Jack: Come on man. You gotta use your body language first.
Adam: Hey dude! All these tricks, showing your interest in a fancy way. They are just so boring and unnecessary to me. Just watch me.
    Adam goes and stand in front of the girls table and says "I think you like me. Because I realised that from time to time you are looking at me. You are beautiful even I can't say very beautiful. But at list my type. So if you agree we can go to my flat and have Sex tonight. "
Jack, watching all from his chair, saw the girl slapping Adam in the face. Adam sits back.
Jack: (continuously laughing) was the size of slap normal? Puhahahaha :)
Adam: I don't understand why you laugh. It's meaningless.
