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When Humans Live 200 Years

    Humans always searched for immortality since ancient times. Our life expectancy in the World doubled in 20th century being 31 years at the beginnig of century. In 2015 the World average life expactancy was 71.5 years. In developed countries it is already above 80 years and some countries are expected to hit 90 years in the next decade. This is mostly due to development in healthcare, finding treatment to diseases, reducing infant birth rates etc. As the maximum life span is stagnated for last 20 years scientists are working hard to find ways to reverse aging or at least stop aging. There are already promising researches in this area. According to some futurists we can stop aging in as soon as 30 years.     So how would be our life when we see people who are 200 years old around us. They will look like they are in their thirties but very old. It is a fact that when choosing friends age is a very important factor. We guess people's age from their appearence. In fact in
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How Will Be The Life In The Future With Autonomous Cars

    Imagine it is 2050's. Artificial intelligence is as good as human intelligence. AI can think abstract, make decisions, dream like humans. Michael is a manager in a private company. He has a fully autonomous car and it is updated to latest AI software. He calls his car by voice commanding to his smartwatch which uses an application behind to control the car via Bluetooth. Michael: "OK my car can you come and take me?"     The car detects his location from his smartwatch and comes to pick him up. When it stops in front of him the door opens, he gets on and sits at the back seat. Now Michael can directly speak to his car. Car: Hello Michael how is going? Michael: Thanks buddy! I need to meet my friend in the city center. But I need to be there in half an hour. Can we reach on time. Car: So where in the city center you will meet? Michael:  In my favorite restaurant, "Daniel". Car: This is the place I found on the map. Do you confirm? Michael: Y